Hacettepe University :: Ankara State Conservatory :: Türkçe


Petek Çetinemel, Turkey

Petek Çetintemel was born in İzmir, in 19th February 1993. She was started her ballet life when she was only four years old in Çağlar Ballet School, İzmir. Next year, she joined Ulis Ballet School and she had continued her ballet life in this private ballet school. In 2002, she moved to Ankara and she continued her ballet life in Görsel Ballet School, Ankara. Within that period, although she was so young, she played in important plays. In the year of 2004, she passed the exam of the Hacettepe University Ankara State Conservatoire and she had a right to join this ballet conservatoire. Within this period, she joined numerous plays within the boundiaries of Turkey and other foreign countries such as; Uyuyan Güzel - Garland Waltz, Kuğu Gölü - Four Swans, Paquita pas de trois, Freski, Giselle, Şımarık Kız pas de deux, and so forth. Since 2013; she has continued her ballet life in State Opera and Ballet as a conructual dancer. She still working for Ankara State Opera and Ballet and she also has joined numerous plays such as; Sevginin Bedeli, Dracula, Harem, Coppelia, Hamlet and Amazons. She already dancing in Modern Dance Community's play Cindirella. In addition to this; she is still dancing for some important plays; Sevginin Bedeli and '' Dostlar Beni Hatırlasın '' that is written by Aşık Veysel. Also these are another Opera and Musical plays; Seslerle Anadolu, Yarasa, Arşın Mal Alan, Fantastic, Bir Tenör Aranıyor, Carmen and Kanlı Nigar. Lastly; Petek Çetintemel still graduating in Hacettepe University Ankara State Conservatuire as a 4th grade student, in her senior year.


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Hacettepe University The International Bartok Music Festival and Symposium